The_Seven_Deadly_Sins_ Grudge_Of_Edinburgh_Part 2 _Movie_ Trailer_|NETFLIX|

  • 9 months ago
14 years since the Kingdom of Liones defeated the Demon Clan and brought peace to the land, Prince Tristan is tormented by his inability to control two great powers: the Demon Clan power of his father, Meliodas, who served as captain of the Seven Deadly Sins as the Dragon Sin of Wrath, and the Goddess Clan power of his mother, Elizabeth. When Elizabeth's life is threatened, Tristan flees the kingdom and heads toward Edinburgh, where Deathpierce who was once a member of a group of the kingdom's Holy Knights, the Pleiades of the Azure Sky maintains his castle. But what are Deathpierce's intentions
Release date
August 8, 2023 (United States)
Country of origin
Official sites
Official NetflixOfficial site (Japan)
Also known as
七つの大罪: 怨嗟のエジンバラ
Production companies
Alfred Image WorksMarvy Jack
