ValUEs - Franco Terracina (Italy)

  • anno scorso
Quando entrarono in vigore le leggi razziali nel novembre del 1938, Franco Terracina viveva a Roma e aveva sei anni. La sua vita di bambino cambiò molto velocemente: a partire da quel momento tutto si complicò terribilmente, anche solo "riuscire fare ciò che tutti gli altri bambini facevano". Oggi novantenne, Terracina ricorda i tempi duri dell'occupazione tedesca e la vita condotta in clandestinità per sfuggire alla deportazione nei campi.

(Intervista: Istituto Luigi Sturzo)

When the racial laws came into force on November 1938, Franco Terracina was six years old and lived in Rome. His life as child changed very rapidly. From that moment on, everything became terribly complicated for him and his family, even “being able to do what all the other children did”. Now 90 years old, Terracina remembers the hard times of the German occupation and the life he led in hiding to escape deportation to the concentration camps.

(Interview : Istituto Luigi Sturzo)

Val.UE.s is an EU-funded project that aims at fostering a common reflection on the effects that ethnic, religious and gender discriminations implemented by authoritarian and totalitarian regimes in Europe and in European-ruled Overseas Territories had on people’s personal lives.

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