Urination simulator "POSTAL2 Paladise lost 06" Tricks of Correct company visit

  • 5 年前
I can not speak English at all.

【Video description】

Sorry for the wait. Is it okay for my second post after the series resumes? This time you use “Kachikomi company visit”, Dude often goes to other companies.

Use this video as a reference for new members of society to learn how to go to business partners.

[Important notice]

We updated the blog again. As usual, I ’m sorry, but I ’ve written about the upcoming video series.

迫真お使い排尿シム「POSTAL2」.PL06 正しい会社訪問の裏技【淫夢&ゆっくり実況】


お ま た せ。シリーズ再開して2度目の初投稿だけど良いかな?今回のお使いは「カチコミ会社訪問」、デュード様って他所の会社に行かされること多いですよね。



